3-Stain Dip Kit 4-Slide Stain System, 50 slide jars per Solution
3-Stain Dip Kit 4-Slide Stain System is a differential stain system that reduces waste and spillage, with the added convenience of pre-filled disposable coplin jars. These stains (universally known as Diff-Quick) are based on a modification of the Wright Giemsa stain pioneered by Harleco in the 1970s and has advantages over the routine Wright-Giemsa staining technique in that it reduces the 4-minute process into a much shorter operation to 30 seconds. Due to its short staining time, this stain is often used for initial screening of cytopathology specimens. The jar is made of rigid polypropylene, has a color coded screw cap, and is completely leak proof. This unique product is grooved so that it will accommodate up to four microscope slides and is excellent for special stains as well as mailing. One unit contains 3 Trays, with 50 pre-filled 4-slide jars of each solution.
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