Colloidal Iron Stain Kit, Modified Müller-Mowry, Volume Optimized
SKU: SS1006-VO
The Colloidal Iron Stain Kit is designed for the histological visualization of acid mucopolysaccharides. Results
Acid Mucopolysaccharides: Blue
Collagen: Red
Prepare the Following Solutions Immediately Before Use
Working Colloidal Iron Solution:
5 ml Acetic Acid Solution (12%)
15 ml Distilled Water
20 ml Colloidal Iron Stock Solution
Working Iron Stain Solution:
20 ml Hydrochloric Acid Solution (1N)
20 ml Potassium Ferrocyanide Solution (3%)
1. Deparaffinize sections if necessary and hydrate to distilled water.
2. Cover tissue section with Acetic Acid Solution (12%) for 30 seconds.
3. Place slide in Working Colloidal Iron Solution for 30 minutes with occasional gentle agitation. Use once and discard.
4. Rinse thoroughly in 3 changes of Acetic Acid Solution (12%) for 2 minutes each.
5. Stain slide in Working Iron Stain Solution for 10 minutes with occasional gentle agitation. Use once and discard.
6. Rinse in 3 changes of distilled water.
7. Stain tissue section with Van Gieson’s Solution for 30 seconds.
8. Dehydrate in 3 changes of absolute alcohol.
9. Clear, and mount in synthetic resin.
Acid Mucopolysaccharides: Blue
Collagen: Red
Procedure: (Standard)
Prepare the Following Solutions Immediately Before Use
Working Colloidal Iron Solution:
5 ml Acetic Acid Solution (12%)
15 ml Distilled Water
20 ml Colloidal Iron Stock Solution
Working Iron Stain Solution:
20 ml Hydrochloric Acid Solution (1N)
20 ml Potassium Ferrocyanide Solution (3%)
1. Deparaffinize sections if necessary and hydrate to distilled water.
2. Cover tissue section with Acetic Acid Solution (12%) for 30 seconds.
3. Place slide in Working Colloidal Iron Solution for 30 minutes with occasional gentle agitation. Use once and discard.
4. Rinse thoroughly in 3 changes of Acetic Acid Solution (12%) for 2 minutes each.
5. Stain slide in Working Iron Stain Solution for 10 minutes with occasional gentle agitation. Use once and discard.
6. Rinse in 3 changes of distilled water.
7. Stain tissue section with Van Gieson’s Solution for 30 seconds.
8. Dehydrate in 3 changes of absolute alcohol.
9. Clear, and mount in synthetic resin.
Applicable Placards and Hazard Symbols
Hover over each placard to see a description of its meaning
UN1789 Hydrochloric Acid Solution, 8, IIIUse the links to download available SDS, IFU or Flyer Documents
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