Pre-Filled Michels Transport Media

SKU: FX1046-7
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Prefilled Jars of Michels Transport Media. Michel's Solution is a transport medium used for preservation of skin biopsy specimens to be examined by direct immunofluorescent testing for demonstration of tissue-fixed immunoglobulins. Michel’s may also be used to transport specimens such as renal biopsies and lymph nodes for immunofluorescence studies and helps maintain proper pH of the specimen.

For jar specifications see the tables below.

7mL Specifics (MPN: FX1046-7)
Volume7mLOuter Diameter0.640625
Fill Level5mLCircumference2.0625
Graduation IntervalN/A
Inner Diameter0.5625
Quantity per Tray
Cap Diameter0.75
Trays per case1
Total Height2.375
Total Jars100

20mL Specifics (MPN: FX1046-20)
Volume20mLOuter Diameter1.25
Fill Level15mLCircumference4
Graduation Interval5mLInner Diameter1.1875
Quantity per box32
Cap Diameter1.5
Boxes per case1
Total Height1.75
Total Jars32

20mL Specifics (MPN: FX1046-256)
Volume20mLOuter Diameter1.25
Fill Level15mLCircumference4
Graduation Interval5mLInner Diameter1.1875
Quantity per box32
Cap Diameter1.5
Boxes per case8
Total Height1.75
Total Jars256

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