Endure Alcoholic Clarifier
SKU: Endure Alcoholic Clarifier
The Endure Staining System is designed to produce precise, consistent H&E staining. Staining times in hematoxylin and eosin will depend on the use and the personal preference of the diagnosing physician. CDI has guidelines that will help establish a custom protocol for your specific needs. The Endure H&E System includes Hematoxylin ED1, (or ED5 “XT” for darker staining), Eosin ED2, Bluing ED3 and Clarifier (Aqueous) ED4 or Clarifier (Alcoholic) ED6. Each component is analytically optimized for staining consistency and longevity.
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UN1170 Ethanol Solutions, 3, IIUse the links to download available SDS, IFU or Flyer Documents
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