Empty CoreDish, 5 Compartments, Breast Biopsy

SKU: M971-D5B-2
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Designed specifically for radiography, separation, imaging and transport of core needle breast biopsies. Special absorbent liner keeps specimens moist (when saline solution is added) prior to radiography while helping to attenuate the x-ray beam. Four compartments are clearly identified (3, 6, 9 and 12) and the radiolucent numbers show up clearly on the radiograph. Formalin may be added prior to transportation to pathology for analysis. An area for writing patient information is provided on the label. Leakproof seal, thanks to O-ring lid, allows for safe and easy transport of the specimens from collection to analysis. Not formalin prefilled.

CoreDish™ is a multi-compartment container in the shape of a dish and half prefilled with 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin, for holding and transporting biopsies. It is supplied with a leak proof closure with O-ring ensuring total protection of contents. It conforms to OSHA directives. CoreDish™ measures only 15 x 95 mm in diameter. Each compartment is clearly identified to allow proper placement and visualization of the biopsy being inserted. Thanks to the CoreDish™ it is no longer necessary to use a multitude of individual containers, thereby reducing risks of confusion. The CoreDish™ offers many configurations in order to hold different biopsies of the breast, prostate, upper GI tract and lower GI tract. A label allows essential information to be written such as patient I.D., doctor, date and time.

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