Empty CoreDish, 12 Comp., General Purpose Biopsy

SKU: M971-D12
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Made of polystyrene. This model will contain up to twelve biopsies. The screw on lid incorporates an O-ring in order to make it leakproof and protect its contents. The CoreDish ™ conforms to OSHA directives. Compartments are numbered from 1 to 12.

CoreDish™ is a multi-compartment container in the shape of a dish and half prefilled with 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin, for holding and transporting biopsies. It is supplied with a leak proof closure with O-ring ensuring total protection of contents. It conforms to OSHA directives. CoreDish™ measures only 15 x 95 mm in diameter. Each compartment is clearly identified to allow proper placement and visualization of the biopsy being inserted. Thanks to the CoreDish™ it is no longer necessary to use a multitude of individual containers, thereby reducing risks of confusion. The CoreDish™ offers many configurations in order to hold different biopsies of the breast, prostate, upper GI tract and lower GI tract. A label allows essential information to be written such as patient I.D., doctor, date and time.

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