Aunex Large Blade Remover for #60 & #70
The Aunex blade remover is the first blade remover to remove larger pathology blades, such as the #60 and #70 blades, in addition to standard blades size 6 to 26. Until now there has not been an option that works on larger sized blades.
The ability to remove a blade safely, without using your fingers, is key to reducing sharps injuries. The idea behind the Aunex is to easily and safely remove and store issued scalpel blades for disposal. This new blade remover is ideal for use anywhere blades are removed from handles, particularly in pathology labs; dental, general practice and veterinary offices; mortuaries; universities or classroom settings.
The blade remover itself is attached to a bracket that can be wall or bench mounted. This creates a single-handed blade removal process. The design of this product also allows it to hold up to 200 blades, depending on the size of blade being removed. That’s double many other blade removers on the market. Once full it can be disposed of in a proper sharps container.
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